All Blog Posts Tagged 'biodiversity' (85)

Abney Woodland Edge Saved

Abney Woodland Edge Saved

the corporate propaganda machine fails…


Added by Russell Miller on April 4, 2013 at 10:00 — 5 Comments

Sainsbury's Threat to Abney - ACT NOW!


The Wilmer Place Sainsbury's and residential development abutting Abney's eastern boundary is back before LBH…


Added by Russell Miller on March 14, 2013 at 13:30 — 3 Comments

Sustainabaility In Action 1 - trees, woods and liberation

Volunteer power is continuing to transform Hackney's green landscape from over managed, conservative parkland into wildlife friendly, sustainable playgrounds for all. This is possible thanks to local experts, small grants and hours of dedicated volunteering.

2013 - the story so far…


Added by Russell Miller on February 5, 2013 at 10:30 — No Comments

Have You Seen a Hedgehog in Hackney

A woman saw a hedgehog by the railway line on Stoke Newington Common in late October. It may have been disturbed by the clearance work done on the railway cutting. Fortunately Tree Musketeers and Stoke Newington Common Users Group have planted a lot of trees, shrubs and climbers along the railway line so that there is…


Added by Russell Miller on November 22, 2012 at 16:30 — 5 Comments

East Marsh restoration begins

The process of restoring East Marsh from a coach park to a green space has begun. You can see here the paving being stripped away from a layer of hardcore beneath.

By autumn of next year, we're promised, the green space will be restored. The football and rugby pitches that were shoehorned onto the main marsh will be moved back. The pressure on space ended HMUG's…


Added by Hackney Marshes Users Group on November 13, 2012 at 20:30 — No Comments

Lee Valley Wildlife Carnival

Bring your family and friends and your wildlife costume to a free, fun family event at Waterworks Nature Reserve Lamas Rd on Saturday 15th September, 10am -4pm.

Experience a range of activities and entertainment against the back drop of a stunning wildlife community  garden.

For more information:…


Added by Yewande Okuleye on September 14, 2012 at 20:30 — No Comments

MY formal objection to the propsoed Wilmer Place Sainsbury's monstrosity

Proposed Wilmer Place Development…


Added by Russell Miller on August 21, 2012 at 15:00 — 4 Comments

Tree Bumble bees move in at Tree Nursery

Tree bumble bees (Bombus hypnorum) have moved into a disused bird box at the Hackney Marshes Community Tree Nursery.  This is a worker heading home loaded with pollen.

The small colony (maybe 50-100 bees) have taken up residence in a bird…


Added by Russell Miller on May 24, 2012 at 8:29 — 5 Comments

To Bee or not To Bee? Do it natur-ally


(Pic: R Miller)

Following on from Katherine Pitt's bee…


Added by Stephanie Irvine on April 25, 2012 at 12:30 — No Comments

Girdled Mining Bees at Abney

This is a girdled mining bee (Andrena labiata).  First seen at Abney last April I was delighted to re-acquaint myself with these little wonders on Wednesday. Even more delighted that the 3 on Weds had become 20 by today! They all appear to be males anxiously awaiting females. The males were loitering in the area in front of the…


Added by Russell Miller on April 13, 2012 at 20:42 — No Comments

A Week in April

This Week


Potting up the last of the trees at the Tree Nursery.…


Added by Russell Miller on April 13, 2012 at 19:30 — No Comments

Sustainable Existence


Social Equality…


Added by Russell Miller on March 27, 2012 at 21:35 — No Comments

Hackney adopts Biodiversity Action Plan

From Kate Mitchell:-

The Hackney Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) 2012-17 has now been adopted by Hackney Council.

The BAP is a partnership document that outlines the priorities for biodiversity in Hackney and sets out a programme of action to improve biodiversity across the borough. The plan draws together a series of actions that will ensure that best practice, policy and legislation are followed and…


Added by James Diamond on March 15, 2012 at 14:30 — 1 Comment

Abney Park Nature Reserve Veteran Tree Project

Abney Park Nature Reserve

Veteran Tree Project

Abney Park Cemetery Nature Reserve

Abney Park Cemetery was a visionary, Victorian masterpiece. In 1840 a new non-denominational garden cemetery was created in Stoke Newington. It also been planted as a world class arboretum with 2,500…


Added by Russell Miller on June 21, 2011 at 14:30 — No Comments

Don't Miss the Dove Tree Flowers

The wonderful Dove Tree (Davidia involucrata) in Kynaston Gardens is in flower at the moment.  This tree is from China where it is endangered in the wild.

It has the most amazing flowers with big balls of anthers beneath huge white bracts. 

Each ball also has a small stigma hidden between the ball and the bract.  Presumably this is 'designed' for pollination by a Chinese insect, perhaps a bee.…


Added by Russell Miller on April 21, 2011 at 14:30 — No Comments

Dayflying Longhorn moths

Adela reaumurella - male

These amazing looking little moths are part of a group of micro moths called longhorns (for obvious reasons).  They can currently be found flapping around trees and shrubs in Abney on warm days.

The larvae feed on dead oak leaves.

For a full list of species recorded in Hackney see the most recent list produced…


Added by Russell Miller on April 18, 2011 at 14:30 — No Comments

Nice pair of tips

Apologies for the tabloidesque headline but these fellas are gorgeous.  Orange tip butterflies are just emerging and they look amazing when fresh like this male in Abney a couple of days ago.

The larvae feed on garlic mustard.  The adults emerge from April to May and are a sure sign spring is here.

Not content with stunning orange and white upper wings they also have…


Added by Russell Miller on April 13, 2011 at 14:30 — No Comments

Mining Bees, Social or Solitary

I was in Abney yesterday and found a mining bee hole with it's little volcano entrance.  As I squatted and waited patiently for the bee to return for a photo an interesting sequence developed.

First a bee came along, appeared confused and went away again, possible because I'd interfered with the ivy above the nest and or there was a big lump of me that wasn't there…


Added by Russell Miller on April 12, 2011 at 14:30 — 1 Comment

Rare Weevil Discovered in Abney Veteran poplar

This little beauty is called Cossonus linearis and it only lives in rotting willows and poplars.  This means it needs old trees that have a lot of dead wood that is at just the right stage of decay.  The maggot like larva live in and eat the rotting wood.  The Abney Veteran Tree Project has been working to preserve Abney's most wildlife valuable…


Added by Russell Miller on March 28, 2011 at 14:30 — No Comments

Giant Trees and Tiny Beasts

This amazing old ash tree in Abney is standing on one leg.  The whole of its north side has rotted away from beneath it, probably because a fire was set against it around 20 years ago.  The tree still stands only because it is sheltered from wind by Abney's woodland and because it has had its crown reduced to decrease its 'sail area'.

As part…


Added by Russell Miller on March 20, 2011 at 14:30 — No Comments

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