Hackney adopts Biodiversity Action Plan

From Kate Mitchell:-

The Hackney Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) 2012-17 has now been adopted by Hackney Council.

The BAP is a partnership document that outlines the priorities for biodiversity in Hackney and sets out a programme of action to improve biodiversity across the borough. The plan draws together a series of actions that will ensure that best practice, policy and legislation are followed and Hackney's residents are provided with opportunities to experience the natural world in the urban environment.
The BAP has been produced by the Hackney Biodiversity Partnership and co-ordinated by Hackney Council. It outlines how the public, private and voluntary sectors will work together to deliver tangible results for biodiversity. The focus and content of the BAP has been determined through consultation with stakeholders in addition to a study of baseline data provided by Greenspace Information for Greater London (GiGL).

As a result the Hackney BAP focuses on the following areas -
  • built environment (new developments, regeneration schemes, public realm)
  • homes and housing (social housing estates, private gardens)
  • parks and green spaces
  • school grounds
  • wetlands and waterways
  • woodland

A full version of the BAP can be found at www.hackney.gov.uk/biodiversity. Copies will be available at the Hackney Biodiversity Partnership meeting on Monday 19 March, 6.30pm at Hackney Town Hall.

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Comment by Russell Miller on March 17, 2012 at 15:30

See the SH biodiversity page for more about Hackney's wildlife. e.g. what to look out for at the moment.

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