All Blog Posts (481)

Restart Hackney at the Redmond Centre

We held our second Restart Hackney party at the Redmond Centre on the 1st February 2014.  It was a beautiful day and queues were forming as we prepared to start.  We had the Daily Telegraph and BBC London on hand to report on the event and lots of interest after the Restart Project had been on the BBC earlier that week.

Many thanks to all the repairers, our lovely…


Added by James Diamond on February 17, 2014 at 15:30 — No Comments

Olympic Park - Land Grab for Unaffordable Housing

Olympic Park - Land Grab for Unaffordable Housing

The London Legacy Deveolopment Corporation (the name is descriptive!) wants to steal 0.85ha of the Olympic legacy park to make money for private housing.  Hackney lost 9 ha of green space to the olympics including very biodiverse sites like Arena Field and White Hart Field.  After the £12bn party for the elite the LLDC was created to deliver a lasting legacy for…


Added by Russell Miller on February 13, 2014 at 11:30 — No Comments

Rare reed beetle found at Stoke Newington Reservoir

Rare reed beetle found at Stoke Newington East Reservoir

The Nationally Scarce reed beetle Demetrias imperialis.  I found this little beauty when collecting reeds to make bee/bug hotels. At less than 6mm its easy to miss but the extensive reed baeds at the…


Added by Russell Miller on February 4, 2014 at 17:30 — No Comments

Hackney his awarded the third highest level of New Homes Bonus in the UK

Hackney has been awarded the third highest level of New Homes Bonus in the UK for 2014-15 - £13,141,188. The…


Added by Michael Calderbank on February 4, 2014 at 10:38 — No Comments

Hackney to gain 6 Overground stations next year

The West Anglia lines are to become part of the Overground network report the Evening Standard and …


Added by James Diamond on February 4, 2014 at 10:30 — No Comments

Help Made In Hackney raise £12,500


Hello Local Food Lovers!

Made In Hackney needs your help! Today we're launching a crowdfunding campaign to raise £12,500. We'll use the money to deliver more vital cookery courses to local community groups such as young people in care, low income families and people with health problems.

We're offering great rewards for donors! Made In…


Added by Michael Calderbank on February 3, 2014 at 23:47 — No Comments

Help register Haggerston Pool as a Community Asset

Haggerston Pool supporters are asked to help in registering Haggerston Pool as a Community Asset. The Save Haggerston Pool campaign want to do this first to establish the community's interest in the pool, and second it will help should we apply for grants to start work on the pool.

Your support is needed - Click…


Added by Michael Calderbank on February 3, 2014 at 0:57 — No Comments

Having your say on the future of Dalston

Over recent months I've posted a number of blogs about Dalston development issues here and on the Hackney Unites websites.  Here is an article I've written for the Hackney Society with links to each and a summary of what Hackney Unites is trying to do in mobilising local communities to get a better deal from new developments.  If you want to get involved with their Dalston Futures project fill out the questionnaire attached (and on their website) to join their mailing list for future…


Added by Peter J I Snell on January 3, 2014 at 12:30 — No Comments

Unless YOU wake up - ALL IS LOST

A new year. It would be nice to start it with a message of hope. Alas that's not very easy in a country dominated by a secret state, rich crooks and coward politicians. To be fair to myself I did start the year with my usual hopeful NYD nature walk around Abney Nature Reserve. Remarkable nearly 40 people braved the cold, wind and rain to join me. It was surprisingly lovely.

But having foolishly glanced at Tweets on the …


Added by Russell Miller on January 2, 2014 at 12:30 — No Comments

A Dalston Greenprint


New Year, new skills.  I think I've finally managed to convert to pdf and attach the list of local demands for the future of Dalston that emerged from the Dalston Peoples Festival last July.  The delay is not all my fault as it took ages to get everyone to respond with amendments and some never did.  If this works I might even post some photos too.  If…


Added by Peter J I Snell on January 1, 2014 at 15:53 — 1 Comment

TfL Cycling Workplaces Scheme

An offer for London-based employers with 5 or more staff*

What’s available?

  • Free cycle parking for staff – view the various types on our website
  • Free bike checks…

Added by Michael Calderbank on December 16, 2013 at 12:30 — No Comments

The Cost of Food Wastage Infographic

Food isn’t something you should have to worry about; however, even in developed countries like the UK, we’re still seeing around 6% of adults in the UK having to pay for food on credit (in July 2013), causing families to have an increased level of debt. Find out more information and get debt management help from…


Added by Michael Calderbank on December 12, 2013 at 13:32 — No Comments

Where were you when you heard about the coup in Dallas?

Funny how that's not a question that was asked very often. Even though there are fewer and fewer people alive today who can actually remember the day US democracy was assassinated 50 years ago it seems to me an event worth remembering. If you are at all unsure about how or why JFK was murdered then it's not very hard to educate yourself. In fact it can be fairly entertaining since Oliver Stone's 1993 movie is based on a pretty good balance of fact…


Added by Russell Miller on November 23, 2013 at 0:30 — No Comments

Dalston Futures

Hackney Unites are going places in engaging the local community to press for regeneration in Dalston that better benefits us all.  They did post the report I wrote on the "Making a difference..." event at the Dalston Peoples Festival back in July.  You can find it at; I've now worked through that report and included all the policy ideas into a Dalston manifesto which I hope to…


Added by Peter J I Snell on November 18, 2013 at 17:17 — No Comments

Restart party, what a buzz!

Our first Restart party at Passing Clouds with Friends of the Earth went well, so many people we were struggling to keep up with demand.  It was great the way people pitched in to help repair each other's stuff!  Thanks to Friedericke, our friends at…


Added by James Diamond on November 16, 2013 at 18:00 — 4 Comments

North London Waste Authority abandons waste procurement plans

The North London Waste Authority is abandoning the procurement process for waste contracts estimated to be worth more than £3bn over 25 to 30 years. and is looking at cheaper options instead.

The process came under fire after the withdrawal of Veolia left FCC Environmental and its partner Skanksa as the sole bidder for one contract to collect…


Added by James Diamond on November 2, 2013 at 14:30 — No Comments

Wilmer Place updates

Newmark has re-submitted same application to be heard by LBH November 6th in order to circumvent the arguments of our Judicial Review; SLocal is therefore calling for ‘calling in’ of application on grounds that LBH not qualified to judge it because of complex issues. Decision would then have to be made by a Planning Inspector rather than by councillors. ‘ Calling in’ is decided by Eric Pickles as Secretary of State for Communities and is the person we need to…


Added by Abney Park User Group (APUG) on October 18, 2013 at 14:10 — No Comments

Mabley Green User Group campaigns to create the world's largest edible park

Mabley Green in Hackney is currently a boring but quite large patch of grass.  The Mabley Green User Group received £100,000 (held by the council) to improve it and wants the money to be spent on creating the world's largest edible park full of fruit and nut trees, herbs and shrubs for all to enjoy.  Sign their petition to the council …


Added by Sustainable Hackney on October 17, 2013 at 13:30 — No Comments

Kingsland Shopping Centre Redevelopment; What we want.

I've finally sent Hackney Unites a 15 page report I wrote on the planning and regeneration theme I organised for their Dalston Peoples Festival.  We'll add a link from this site once it gets posted on their website. Since the impact of the proposed redevelopment of Kingsland Shopping Centre was a big issue throughout the Festival I've sent the developers a summary of our concerns and attach it below. They did promise to submit an applciation this September but seemed to have made no effort…


Added by Peter J I Snell on September 25, 2013 at 13:18 — No Comments

Five Good Reasons To Run A Green Open Homes Event

By:  (from …


Added by Michael Calderbank on September 21, 2013 at 14:34 — No Comments

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