All Blog Posts Tagged 'biodiversity' (85)

Amber Nectar - Oak Bracket Returns to Clissold after 8 year Absence

It was wonderful to find my old friend Inonotus dryadeus (also known as Oak Bracket) back in Clissold on Monday. Calling a bracket fungus a friend may seem a bit weird but having not seen this amber beauty for 8 years it was joyous to rediscover it on the same veteran plum tree where it fruited in 2008. Surely knowing an organism as beautiful as this for 8…


Added by Russell Miller on June 10, 2016 at 14:30 — No Comments

Wild Bee Walk and West Hackney Rec

I Tweeted (@treeruss) the above photo to advertise yesterday's bee walk and it happens to feature the first bee we saw.  This is a male Hairy Yellow-Face bee Hylaeus hylinatus. It's tiny, less than 6mm! Yesterday's male was a bit dozy, presumably due to the cold weather. It soon warmed up in the glass tube I used to show if to the assembled bee…


Added by Russell Miller on June 5, 2016 at 11:08 — No Comments


If you know what you are looking for it's not that hard to demonstrate the vital importance of deadwood in parks.

10 minutes at a horse chestnut stump in CLissold Park this afternoon revealled 2 new nationally scarce species for the park:

  • a fungus beetle called Hallomenus binotatus Nationally Scarce…

Added by Russell Miller on May 22, 2016 at 20:30 — No Comments

You wait 183 years for a new wetland and then two come along together!

This weekend saw the opening of the first publicly accessible wetland in Hackney at Woodberry Wetlands, and it was tremendously popular when I went along on Sunday.  Closed to the public since it was built to store water brought along the New River from Hertfordshire it was officially opened by Sir Richard Attenborough on 30th April.…


Added by James Diamond on May 5, 2016 at 11:32 — No Comments

Hackney Bees - another new species

Found Buffish Mining bee Andrena nigroaeanea on Hackney Downs last week. That's another new species for Hackney.

That brings the total to 50 confirmed species in Hackney so far; 2 new species in a week! That's getting on for 20% of all UK species. See…


Added by Russell Miller on April 4, 2016 at 22:00 — No Comments

Some bees don't look like bees - New bee photos

This is a photo of the Furry-clasped Furrow bee (Lasioglossum lativentre) I discovered at Abney Park recently. This is a female. The tiny bees nest in the ground but little is known about them.

The species is fairly uncommon but not rare or scarce. It has never been recorded in north or east London before but that's more likely because no one's…


Added by Russell Miller on March 31, 2016 at 22:00 — 1 Comment

3 New bee species at Abney

Realising Good Friday was to be the pick of the Easter weekend weather I set out in determined fashion to see if I could find any new species of bees at Abney. After about four hours I had seen: Buff-tailed bumblebee queens, honey bees and lots of Hairy Footed Flower bees (mostly males but a few females had begun flying). There were also quite a few butterflies on the wing. I counted 4…


Added by Russell Miller on March 28, 2016 at 12:00 — No Comments

Cobalt Crust fungus, winter blues never looked so good

Stunning Cobalt Crust fungus at Abney Park nature reserve. Previously seen in Wick…


Added by Russell Miller on February 8, 2016 at 13:30 — No Comments

Rare Bumblebee Mimic found at Abney Nature Reserve

See link below for my article in the current London Naturalist on Abney's rare bumblebee mimic not seen in London since 1966.

Pocota personata returns to…

Added by Russell Miller on January 9, 2016 at 16:55 — No Comments

Abney Biodiversity and Hackney Bees

Species Lists

Below are links to simple species lists for species recorded at Abney Park Nature Reserve and a general species list for Hackney bees.

Abney Park Invertebrates…


Added by Russell Miller on April 16, 2015 at 11:00 — No Comments

Tree Assassination Attempt Foiled by Tree Musketeer

Tree Assassination Attempt

Foiled by Tree Musketeer…


Added by Russell Miller on March 26, 2015 at 12:30 — No Comments

Prunus Okame - the best early flowering tree for bees in London?

Prunus Okame

the best early flowering tree for bees in…


Added by Russell Miller on March 13, 2015 at 13:00 — No Comments

Spring Be – Enjoy the Beauty

Spring Be – Enjoy the Beauty

Queen Buff-Tail Bumblebee (…


Added by Russell Miller on March 6, 2015 at 21:30 — No Comments

This winter with the Tree Musketeers

Musketeering – join in the sanity

Another world is not only possible, it exists right now, right here. People helping each other and the planet with no need for pointless, disposable commodities; no fear to engender

deference to…


Added by Russell Miller on January 20, 2015 at 17:00 — No Comments

Stokey Sainsbury's in court - we win the first argument

Nick Perry of Stokey Local succeeded in persuading a High Court judge to grant leave for a judicial review (JR) of the Wilmer Place planning deicison. This is the second JR to be granted permission to proceed. It's complicated but there are two challenges (JRs) to two LBH planning decisions to allow Newmark Properties to build a Sainsbury's and block…


Added by Russell Miller on May 23, 2014 at 18:30 — No Comments

Marshes North Pavilion - have your say now

There is just under a week left for you to comment on proposals for a new building and car park on the north marsh. Please try to get your comments in. The questionnaire is open until 9 July on the council's web site.

HMUG's main concerns are

  • the amount of private parking (resulting in the building going on what is now grass)
  • whether the council will do a decent job on…

Added by Hackney Marshes Users Group on July 4, 2013 at 22:22 — No Comments

Council threat to UK BAP habitat on Mabley Green

Nemophora fasciella - UK Biodiversity Action Plan priority species - Mabley Green Redgra

As if the assaults on Abney were not enough Hackney Council are engaged in a 'consultation' to develop Mabley Green.  They want to build another full-size all weather football pitch (awp), in addition to the one built 2 years ago, and create a…


Added by Russell Miller on June 21, 2013 at 23:30 — 1 Comment

Object NOW to Sainsbury's Wilmer Place Planning Application 2013/1583

To object on line now takes only seconds but every extra objection is a vote for Abney's wildlife.

The new planning application is almost identical to the last but they have moved back another 1m from Abney. This is far too little and all the…


Added by Russell Miller on June 13, 2013 at 12:56 — No Comments

Objection to Wilmer Place Planning Application 2013/1583

Objection to

Wilmer Place Planning Application 2013/1583…


Added by Russell Miller on June 12, 2013 at 22:30 — No Comments

Sainsbury's Planning Decision - Will they Appeal?

Abney Biodiversity Defeats Sainsburys - Will They Appeal?

The formal decision of the planning sub-committee which rejected the Wilmer Place Sainsbury's has been published on the LBH website.  As expected it…


Added by Russell Miller on April 17, 2013 at 13:30 — 1 Comment

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