All Blog Posts (481)

Expulsions, Lies and Manipulation – the Right's Reaction to a Resurgent Left

Expulsions, Lies and Manipulation – the Right's Reaction to a Resurgent Left

Right-wing ridicule is turning into panic as Jeremy Corbyn's remarkable mass movement threatens to return the Labour Party to its socialist…


Added by Russell Miller on August 31, 2015 at 16:30 — 1 Comment

Six stations in Hackney became part of the London Overground on 1st June

Six stations in Hackney became part of the London Overground on 1st June and now appear on the tube map, as reported in East London Lines

Some pay-as-you go fares are expected to drop as a result, and TfL is promising investment in…


Added by James Diamond on June 2, 2015 at 14:00 — No Comments

Sustainable Hackney invests in Hackney's first solar Co-op

Banister House Solar offers an exciting new opportunity for individuals and organisations to support the generation of solar power in Hackney and to contribute to wider action to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.  The project has been 18 months in the planning and it has been a huge achievement to get to this stage. 

So far it has raised almost £40,000 towards the target of £142,000 which will make the project actually happen.  



Added by James Diamond on April 30, 2015 at 10:48 — 1 Comment

Green your Overground Station?

A project called Energy Garden has been set up to green Overground stations and add solar PV power generation to help fund it.

This sounds like a great idea to me and a good way to advertise sustainability locally.

Other organisations like Repowering London are involved too, so it would make a good complement to Hackney Energy.

They only have limited…


Added by Dave Lukes on April 28, 2015 at 9:57 — 2 Comments

Abney Biodiversity and Hackney Bees

Species Lists

Below are links to simple species lists for species recorded at Abney Park Nature Reserve and a general species list for Hackney bees.

Abney Park Invertebrates…


Added by Russell Miller on April 16, 2015 at 11:00 — No Comments

Tree Assassination Attempt Foiled by Tree Musketeer

Tree Assassination Attempt

Foiled by Tree Musketeer…


Added by Russell Miller on March 26, 2015 at 12:30 — No Comments

Prunus Okame - the best early flowering tree for bees in London?

Prunus Okame

the best early flowering tree for bees in…


Added by Russell Miller on March 13, 2015 at 13:00 — No Comments

Spring Be – Enjoy the Beauty

Spring Be – Enjoy the Beauty

Queen Buff-Tail Bumblebee (…


Added by Russell Miller on March 6, 2015 at 21:30 — No Comments

This winter with the Tree Musketeers

Musketeering – join in the sanity

Another world is not only possible, it exists right now, right here. People helping each other and the planet with no need for pointless, disposable commodities; no fear to engender

deference to…


Added by Russell Miller on January 20, 2015 at 17:00 — No Comments

New Hackney-based Carbon Management and Communications consultancy

Just to let you all know that there is a new carbon management consultancy in Hackney, called Cool World Consulting (CWC).

With expertise in both communications and environmental sustainability, CWC helps organisations to measure and reduce their carbon emissions, and to clearly communicate their sustainability credentials and aspirations.

So far, CWC has worked…


Added by Lucy Harbor on November 25, 2014 at 14:05 — No Comments

Abney Orgies to Racist Government

Abney Orgies to Racist Government

Censorship, Propaganda and Political Branding

Manufacturing Your Consent

One of the main reasons why…


Added by Russell Miller on November 23, 2014 at 16:00 — 2 Comments

Come to visit our new community cafe, in the Morningside Centre in Hackney, london (E9 3SJ).

New Community Cafe Opens In Hackney | Morningside


Morningside Community Centre

Cresset Road…


Added by Cafe Morningside on November 12, 2014 at 15:00 — No Comments

Save Lea Marshes 2015 Calendar on sale in aid of campaign

Save Lea Marshes ran a competition in early 2014 entitled 'What I Love About the Marshes' and the winners formed part of a travelling exhibition that visited Dalston Curve Garden and Black Cat Cafe among other venues.

The twelve winning images have been put together in the form of an A3 full colour calendar which is now on sale in aid of our campaign.

Calendars are just £4.99 and can be purchased online on our website Shop Page here: …


Added by Save Lea Marshes on November 8, 2014 at 17:40 — No Comments

Homerton Grove publicity for Hackney Energy and BHSC

Each year 10:10 creates an online gallery of climate change success stories from across the world - and this year a story featuring Hackney Energy and Banister House Solar Co-op is featured!

- See the story on 10:10 here -
- See the…

Added by Sustainable Hackney on October 31, 2014 at 13:00 — No Comments

Hackney Transport Strategy, our draft responses

Thanks to everyone who came along to the public meeting on 13th October "The Big Green Pow Wow".

We've developed our draft response to the transport consultation and we'd like your comments before we submit…


Added by Sustainable Hackney on October 22, 2014 at 19:30 — 5 Comments

2014 Timberland Grant - £10,000 available for five green projects!

Are you a natural creative when it comes to engaging people with environmental issues? And do you need funding to put your cool green project idea into action?


The 2014 Timberland Grant, running for the 5th time in partnership with Project Dirt, is now open for applications for five…


Added by Friederike Hanisch on October 17, 2014 at 11:46 — No Comments

Hackney Marshes Planning Application and Inquiry

Save Lea Marshes and many others have presented objections to Hackney Council's planning application to build two extensive car parks on Hackney Marshes and to put a cricket pavilion on presently green open space.

Details of the plan are included on our blog here.…


Added by Julian Cheyne on October 9, 2014 at 0:30 — No Comments

That Adidas ad and commercial appropriation of Hackney Marsh

This giant banner advert for Adidas football boots appeared without warning in front of the Hackney Marshes Centre a couple of weeks ago with zero regard for the landscape or its statutory and planning policy protections.

Five years ago Hackney Council's planning consultants Firstplan were proud of overcoming the 'restrictive policy designation' of Metropolitan Open…


Added by Charlie on October 8, 2014 at 18:00 — No Comments

The Big Green Pow-Wow

Our council is asking for your views on air pollution, walking, public transport, liveable neighbourhoods and other aspects of transport through two major consultations which close in October.

Did you know that the transport consultation includes proposals for increasing tree cover, introducing sustainable drainage systems and increasing food growing spaces?…


Added by Sustainable Hackney on August 28, 2014 at 10:00 — 1 Comment

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