All Blog Posts (481)

Could we get a restart group going in Hackney?

Central to the Restart project is the idea of the "Restart Party" an event where members of the public bring along "broken electronics and sad kit to troubleshoot and fix".  The event is facilitated by a number of repairers who bring tools and expertise, and who facilitate people's learning to repair things for themselves.  Restart are holding two events at Arcola…


Added by Sustainable Hackney on September 5, 2013 at 14:00 — 4 Comments

Jury still out on Hackney’s recycling change

In March Hackney changed its recycling system in a move that the council expected would boost recycling rates considerably.

The change from green boxes to green bags has made recycling easier, especially for those living in flats, but provisional figures show that Hackney is recycling only 0.5% more using recycling sacks. This is not the step change that was expected.…


Added by Sustainable Hackney on September 3, 2013 at 14:30 — 1 Comment

How to run a restart party

Can some suitably practical local person please apply to be included in the Restart Project's London "how to" session on 14th September: how to get started running a Restart Party or community repair event - logistics, tools, venues, health & safety as well as a Restart Party, apparently.

The Project recently ran their first ever event…


Added by Sustainable Hackney on August 28, 2013 at 12:47 — No Comments

Have your say on Crossrail 2

TfL is consulting on two options for Crossrail 2, and the consultation closes on 2nd August. 

While I agree Hackney needs a tube line it seems these proposals are more concerned with future central area tube congestion than the transport needs of Hackney; the Metro option will have only one station in…


Added by James Diamond on July 26, 2013 at 9:30 — No Comments

Say no to the supersewer

I'd encourage people to look at Clean Thames and sign the petition against the supersewer. This is expensive, non sustainable [it'll probably fill with increased rainfall, concrete area and population, like a watery version of the M25] and will add £80 to Thames Water bills. 

Actually the £80 added to TW bottom line is probably why they're so keen on it, especially as it's being built with fairly cheap government money.…


Added by Hugh Barnard on July 13, 2013 at 10:20 — 1 Comment

Finding a voice on the future of Dalston... Dalston Peoples Festival Planning & Regeneration Events.

Finding a voice on the future of Dalston...


Sunday 14th July; 1.00 pm till 5.00 pm, The Arcola Theatre, Ashwin Street.


Strategic planning in Dalston;  2.30 pm –…


Added by Peter J I Snell on July 7, 2013 at 11:00 — 2 Comments

Marshes North Pavilion - have your say now

There is just under a week left for you to comment on proposals for a new building and car park on the north marsh. Please try to get your comments in. The questionnaire is open until 9 July on the council's web site.

HMUG's main concerns are

  • the amount of private parking (resulting in the building going on what is now grass)
  • whether the council will do a decent job on…

Added by Hackney Marshes Users Group on July 4, 2013 at 22:22 — No Comments

SIGN the Petition Against a Sainsbury's in Stokey

THere is now an online petition against Sainsbury's renewed attack on Abney Nature Reserve.  Please sign it and pass it on to as many peope as possible. We CAN stop this madness but need a lot of signatures 5000+ to demonstrate public opposition.

For more information on the reasons for objecting see…


Added by Russell Miller on July 2, 2013 at 14:30 — No Comments

Council threat to UK BAP habitat on Mabley Green

Nemophora fasciella - UK Biodiversity Action Plan priority species - Mabley Green Redgra

As if the assaults on Abney were not enough Hackney Council are engaged in a 'consultation' to develop Mabley Green.  They want to build another full-size all weather football pitch (awp), in addition to the one built 2 years ago, and create a…


Added by Russell Miller on June 21, 2013 at 23:30 — 1 Comment

Object NOW to Sainsbury's Wilmer Place Planning Application 2013/1583

To object on line now takes only seconds but every extra objection is a vote for Abney's wildlife.

The new planning application is almost identical to the last but they have moved back another 1m from Abney. This is far too little and all the…


Added by Russell Miller on June 13, 2013 at 12:56 — No Comments

Objection to Wilmer Place Planning Application 2013/1583

Objection to

Wilmer Place Planning Application 2013/1583…


Added by Russell Miller on June 12, 2013 at 22:30 — No Comments

Endangered species discovered at Abney Nature Reserve


Yes it does, it had me fooled looking thorugh Bombus pictures to identify it. But those legs are a bit thin for a bee, the eyes too big and (no mistaking) the antennae are too short and stubby.

It's a hoverfly that mimics bumble bees. But it's so much better than most hoverfly bee mimics. It's also very rare.  Last…


Added by Russell Miller on June 11, 2013 at 19:00 — 2 Comments

Work with Hackney Homes to improve biodiversity on your estate

Hackney Homes is looking for help from residents to enhance biodiversity.  Come up with ideas to improve your estate for animals and plants, identify areas of grassland that should be managed for biodiversity, identify trees that should be protected with tree preservation orders, and find areas that are suitable for nest and bat boxes. …


Added by Michael Calderbank on June 7, 2013 at 11:30 — No Comments

We need your help to shape CookHoods

We need your help with some feasibility research for a new exciting social enterprise that encourages people to connect with their neighbours and enjoy good homemade food. The project is called CookHoods and is an online community hub connecting homemade cooks with people keen to enjoy the diverse cooking talents residing within their community.

We have devised a short questionnaire to assist us in developing the social enterprise further. We'd be extremely grateful if you…


Added by Rebecca Clarke on May 30, 2013 at 9:00 — No Comments

Hackney's Client Earth wins court victory on air pollution

In a case brought by the Hackney-based lawyer activist group Client Earth, the Supreme Court has found that the government is failing in its legal duty to protect people from the harmful effects of air pollution and leaving…


Added by James Diamond on May 20, 2013 at 15:30 — No Comments

Homerton adventure playground renewables commissioner required !

A PV and solar thermal system not working - can you help?
Henry -

Added by Henry Muss on May 8, 2013 at 9:49 — No Comments

Latest government support for energy saving measures in your home

Green deal and ECO – Know your rights


ECO grants can subsidise heating and insulation work to your home as part of the…


Added by Peter J I Snell on May 3, 2013 at 21:17 — No Comments

Lots of great ideas at the Sustainable Hackney AGM 2nd May 2013

Lots of great ideas from the people at last night's meeting! Thanks for coming and contributing.  

Click the photos for transcripts.

Find more photos like this on sustainable…


Added by Sustainable Hackney on May 3, 2013 at 15:00 — No Comments

Sainsbury's Planning Decision - Will they Appeal?

Abney Biodiversity Defeats Sainsburys - Will They Appeal?

The formal decision of the planning sub-committee which rejected the Wilmer Place Sainsbury's has been published on the LBH website.  As expected it…


Added by Russell Miller on April 17, 2013 at 13:30 — 1 Comment

Abney Woodland Edge Saved

Abney Woodland Edge Saved

the corporate propaganda machine fails…


Added by Russell Miller on April 4, 2013 at 10:00 — 5 Comments

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