All Blog Posts (481)

How to get hold of Thelma the Thermal Imaging Camera for FREE

Don't like playing hide and seek with cold spots in your home? Use Thelma the Thermal Imaging Camera and save money on your energy bills. 



Added by Kyra Hanson on February 23, 2023 at 8:30 — No Comments

Why Power for People's Local Electricity Bill could be a game changer for local communities

The monopoly of the big six energy companies in the UK is undeniable. They hold a tight grip on the economy of these islands. It’s with this in mind that we were interested when an organisation that we hadn’t heard of called Power for People got in touch with us.

How they had found out about us is unclear, but they were pushing…


Added by Dominic Simpson on February 17, 2023 at 21:30 — No Comments

7 actions you can take to support the circular economy in Hackney

Did you know that 80% of household items are used less than once a…


Added by Kyra Hanson on February 16, 2023 at 15:30 — No Comments

Fairtrade Fortnight 27th February - 12th March 2023

Fairtrade and Climate Justice  - Choose the World You Want

This year's Fairtrade fortnight begins at the end of February and focuses on the theme of Climate Change and the catastrophic effect it is having on producers in the Global South.…


Added by Sandra McLeod on February 16, 2023 at 12:30 — No Comments

Thermal imaging camera launched at Dalston Library of Things

You spoke, we listened! Due to a number of requests from Dalston locals, we recently launched a thermal imaging camera at the Dalston kiosk. With rising energy bills, we’re all looking for ways to keep costs down, and…


Added by Kyra Hanson on December 5, 2022 at 16:00 — No Comments

Responding to Hackney's draft Climate Action Plan

Hackney council recently launched the consulation on their draft Climate Action Plan and we're preparing our response.  It has taken them a while to get to this point, more than three years after declaring a climate emergency, but…


Added by Sustainable Hackney on December 1, 2022 at 12:30 — No Comments

How you can save money with Library of Things

We want Library of Things to be an affordable way for everyone to get their hands on the items they need. But we also recognise that everyone's situation, incomes and outgoings are different - plus London can be tough on the bank balance as it is without throwing in a cost of…


Added by Kyra Hanson on November 2, 2022 at 12:30 — No Comments

Hackney Council releases draft Climate Action Plan

The council has published it's draft Climate Action Plan as part of the papers for a Cabinet meeting on Monday 24th October.

You can download and read the documents here:



Added by Sustainable Hackney on October 20, 2022 at 11:30 — No Comments

East London's Green Business Programme - Your Questions Answered

With the launch of our brand-new Green Business Programme in Hackney, we answer any questions you might have about the specialist programme to help your business ‘go green’.

Who is the programme for?

The Green Business Programme is for small businesses and entrepreneurs who want to become more eco-friendly and sustainable.  You must either be based in, or benefitting the area of…


Added by Allia Future Business Centre on June 8, 2022 at 14:29 — No Comments

Free DIY workshops launched at Hackney Wick Library of Things

I'm delighted to announce that you can now nab your tickets to our free DIY workshops, taking place at The Baths in Hackney Wick. Read on to find out what's in store and how you can get involved.

Learn DIY basics with Library of Things

Don't know your jigsaw from…


Added by Kyra Hanson on May 31, 2022 at 16:36 — No Comments

Check air pollution at your address

A new interactive tool - - is a free public service from Central Office of Public Interest (COPI). Every UK address is searchable, with  air pollution data pulled from a national 20m/sq resolution model created by Imperial College London (ICL). To ensure accuracy, COPI sourced and mapped real world pollution levels recorded at more than 19,500 council monitors in every major town and city across…


Added by Clare Taylor on May 6, 2022 at 10:01 — No Comments

Stop big fashion hijacking the grassroots repair movement

We've added Sustainable Hackney and Hackney Fixers as signatories of this petition protesting the hijacking of Repair Week by Primark, which, as a fast fashion retailer, is a totally inappropriate sponsor.  …


Added by Sustainable Hackney on March 25, 2022 at 14:41 — No Comments

Let's talk rubbish- You can make a difference today. We want to hear your opinion on your council services for recycling and rubbish.

Did you know that right now in north London, we are spending £40 million each year to burn the rubbish that is collected in an incinerator in Edmonton, north of Tottenham.

That means a lot of plastics, food waste, clothing and much more is incinerated  and not recycled ♻️, composted, or reused as…


Added by Sustainable Hackney on March 25, 2022 at 13:22 — No Comments

Sign the petition - Stop the government attempt to stifle students from discussing the politics of climate change

From parents concerned about the Tories' Climate Education Strategy - Please sign and share

We have started a petition asking for the clause around protest and campaigning to be removed from the Climate Education Strategy as we feel it is a violation of democracy and puts schools in a position where they will be failing students by not giving them the tools they need to understand…


Added by Sustainable Hackney on February 19, 2022 at 15:59 — No Comments

About five hundred people took to the streets in Edmonton on Saturday to protest against the intransigence of north London local authorities and their North London Waste Authority reps who remain dea…

About five hundred people took to the streets in Edmonton on Saturday to protest against the intransigence of north London local authorities and their North London Waste Authority reps who remain deaf to the concerns of anti-incinerator campaigners. Repeated lobbying and the production of evidence that enlargement of the incinerator will unnecessarily add to deteriorating air quality and rising carbon emissions has not been heeded.

Speaker after speaker referred to the refusal…


Added by Richard D Payne on January 18, 2022 at 13:48 — No Comments

An observation on the significance of the Library of things

It is commendable that Hackney Council is lending its support to the new Library of Things in Dalston. The scheme enables all sorts of popular tools, implements and appliances to be borrowed and re-used by the public at…


Added by Richard D Payne on January 17, 2022 at 15:00 — No Comments

Thanks to Sustainable Hackney member, Rembrandt Koppelaar, for his address to Hackney council's cabinet (13-12-2021)

Deputation – 13th of December 2021

Deputation by Dr. Rembrandt Koppelaar on behalf of Sustainable Hackney


Dear Mayor Glanville, Dear Hackney cabinet,

It is a privilege to address you today. I am a resident of Clissold Ward, and here as a representative of Sustainable Hackney. I am also active in Extinction Rebellion Zero Waste. In my paid daywork I develop digital innovations with…


Added by Richard D Payne on December 14, 2021 at 14:00 — No Comments

Stop the Edmonton incinerator plan- Petition to Hackney's NLWA reps to pause and review

Stop the Edmonton incinerator plan

The North London Waste Authority (NLWA) is poised to build a new bigger incinerator in Edmonton. Hackney is one of seven north London boroughs behind the scheme. Due to its size, cost and the environmental damage it will cause; we demand that the NLWA stop and…


Added by Sustainable Hackney on December 7, 2021 at 16:00 — No Comments

Climate Jobs - Building a workforce for the climate emergency

(edited by, among others, Fliss Premru, Sustainable Hackney member, who's the lead author of Chapter 7: Towards Zero Waste: climate jobs in the circular economy). Other contributors/editors include Martin Empson - who spoke at the first Hackney Climate Coalition meeting - and Suzanne Jeffrey, Hackney resident.…


Added by Sustainable Hackney on November 24, 2021 at 17:30 — No Comments

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