All Blog Posts (481)

Resist Lea Valley Park land sell-off

We're very concerned about a threat to sell park land near the north edge of Hackney Marsh to build housing. Please, if you can, get a short email off to Waltham Forest council by the end of Tuesday 31st Jan.

All that's needed:

* address:

* title: Lea Bridge Eastside Vision Consultation

* Ask the council to remove the…


Added by Hackney Marshes Users Group on January 30, 2017 at 14:26 — No Comments

Saving Springfield Park bowling green & wildlife space

Currently there is a Lottery Heritage fund application to restore and improve Springfield Park. The White Lodge with cafe, stable buildings and green house have fallen into disrepair and other aspects in the wider park need attention.…


Added by Deborah Allwright on January 17, 2017 at 14:07 — No Comments

Confused about recycling? You’re not alone

I meet a lot of people in my work who ask me if they can recycle this or that, or which bin they should put something in, and are embarrassed to be asking. The general feeling is that we all ought to know. But, actually, recycling is very confusing.

Generally, the question isn’t really whether something can be recycled, but whether it will be collected for…


Added by Clare Taylor on January 10, 2017 at 10:51 — No Comments

All I want for Christmas is Climate Action!

Here, more or less is what I said at the Sustainable Hackney Climate Action last Saturday, 10 December, All I want for Christmas is Climate Action!


Merry Christmas,…


Added by Kathryn Johnson on December 18, 2016 at 13:00 — No Comments

Standing up for Peace and Justice

Please sign up for Peace and Justice

We see an organized anti worker, anti minority, anti immigrant, anti woman, anti LGBTQ, anti ecological, pro imperial, incarceration minded, surveillance employing,…


Added by Gilbert Smyth on December 17, 2016 at 11:51 — No Comments

London super-sewer is waste of £4bn, says the assessor who recommended it

Seven-year project to stop wastewater flowing into Thames is unnecessary and ministers should have considered alternatives, says Chris Binney.…


Added by James Diamond on December 12, 2016 at 18:30 — No Comments

"A city for all Londoners" - Mayor Khan, open up the debate!

Sustainable Hackney has responded to Mayor Sadiq Khan's 'extended manifesto', A City for all Londoners.  It outlines the direction for his review of the London Plan and his other strategies.  It is rich in ambition, but we have called for a rethink as the main concepts of "accommodating growth", "World City" and "good growth underpinning the document are…

Added by Sustainable Hackney on December 11, 2016 at 13:00 — No Comments

How much can a bus driver really see?

Let the Hackney Colliery Bandshow you!

Ever wondered how much the driver of a London bus can really see? To find out, Blaze and the Hackney Colliery Band staged a gig with a…


Added by Kathryn Johnson on December 6, 2016 at 11:08 — No Comments

US Embassy Tonight 18/11

Anti Trump stance on Climate Change Rally 6pm tonight 18/11 at US Embassy Grosvenor Square

Organised by Climate Defence

Added by Sandra McLeod on November 18, 2016 at 10:55 — No Comments

So who is Jon Burke, the new Cabinet Member for Energy, sustainability and community services?

Following his election in September, Hackney's new mayor Philip Glanville appointed Councillor Jon Burke to coordinate the council's work on energy, sustainability and community services. His brief ranges from environmental sustainability, energy efficiency and climate change to community energy, fair trade and volunteering.  We're clear that we want to engage well with the council. And the …

Added by Sustainable Hackney on November 7, 2016 at 17:00 — No Comments

Sustainable Hackney launches Greenprint for Social Justice

At the Sustainable Hackney AGM on 28th September the Greenprint for Hackney- Social Justice was discussed and approved.  See also our workstream page on Social Justice.

Philip Pearson (Chair) explained that a Greenprint on social justice had been drafted and we were looking to the future and seeking ideas…


Added by Sustainable Hackney on November 4, 2016 at 18:30 — No Comments

Stand up to Racism and Fascism

Dean Ryan from Hackney Stand up to Racism and Fascism spoke at our AGM last night about the importance of local networks which can respond and show solidarity when incidents occur.  This is particularly important with the recent rise in incidents.  

You can show solidarity by liking the Hackney group's Facebook page at Hackney Stand up to Racism and Fascism and…


Added by Sustainable Hackney on September 29, 2016 at 10:02 — No Comments

Greener Hackney or a Green Light for Cars?

Anyone who has followed Save Lea Marshes in the last few years will be aware of our campaign against the planned cricket pavilion for Hackney Marshes, a design which involves building on green space in order to accommodate a large car park on North Marsh.

During our campaign, which led to a public inquiry, evidence was coming to light of the damaging effect of air pollution on Londoners, especially children. Exposure to air pollution stunts lung growth and even impairs children’s…


Added by Save Lea Marshes on September 26, 2016 at 21:30 — No Comments

Cycle To Work for the first time with LCC London BikeTubes – 14 September 2016

London Cycling Campaign are organising "Bike Tubes": organised rides to work for new cyclists:

One is leaving from London Fields Station at 07:30 to Farringdon via Old St.

Added by Dave Lukes on September 8, 2016 at 18:32 — No Comments

Where did Boris spend the regeneration money and on what 2008-2016? What next?

A useful report from Regeneris: Capital Spread: Mapping the GLA's regeneration spend 2008-2016. 

£142m was allocated through four major regeneration grant funds:  the Outer London Fund (OLF), the Mayor's Regeneration Fund (MRF), the High Streets Fund (HSF) and the London Regeneration Fund (LRF). 

Haringey and Croydon…


Added by Kathryn Johnson on August 22, 2016 at 14:13 — No Comments

Could do better, but progress being made

The statistics recently published on showed that last year nearly a quarter of all electricity generated in the UK (24.6%) came from renewable sources – more than from coal (which is just over a fifth). It’s the first time that renewables have overtaken coal. Good news to an extent, but it’s still not growing fast enough and the UK is looking likely to miss the 2020 energy target.


Figures have also been published for the first quarter of this year, showing growth…


Added by Clare Taylor on August 2, 2016 at 17:34 — No Comments

Protest Against Illegal Car Wash Polluting Lea River

On Monday evening, members of Save Lea Marshes staged a pop-up protest against the car wash which is now operating, without planning permission, in the car park of Lee Valley Ice Centre.

Planning permission is yet to be granted by Waltham Forest Council and yet permanent structures have already been created for the car wash, which is now serving…


Added by Save Lea Marshes on July 29, 2016 at 13:00 — No Comments

Webinar: Mayor's Consultation on Air Pollution

Contribute to the ongoing public consultation by joining this event…


Added by Kathryn Johnson on July 15, 2016 at 20:56 — No Comments

UK is in breach of international human rights for regresive austerity policies

The UK is in breach of international human rights according to the UN. 

The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has expressed “serious concern” about the impact of regressive policies on the enjoyment of economic and social rights in a…


Added by Kathryn Johnson on July 5, 2016 at 11:42 — No Comments

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