When will the council publish waste and recycling data for the last two years?

With the change to the new recycling system coming very soon we are left in the dark about what is happening to the amount of waste and recycling in our borough.  The council has not published any data since December 2011 when the Annual Monitoring Report came out for 2010/11.  That report covered the period up to March 2011, which is now almost two years ago.  

We've written to the cabinet member responsible, Cllr Feryal Demirci, and we'll keep you posted on the response.

Dear Councillor Demirci

Commingled recycling collections

We notice that the planned change to commingled recycling will start on 1st March.  We hope that the objectives of dramatically increasing recycling rates while reducing waste disposal costs are met, despite our reservations about the potential reduction in the quality of the resulting materials.

In his letter of 25/05/12 to us Mark Griffin, Head of Environment and Waste Strategy,  said “As part of the council’s commitment to transparency we are currently examining the possibility of publishing this data online in an open format.”  The data referred to in the letter is the quarterly waste data that the council already prepares for NLWA.

Up to now no data has been published by LBH since the 2010/11 annual monitoring report came out, covering the period up to March 2011, almost two years ago.

When will the council publish the data for the last 7 quarters?  Will the council commit to publishing data each quarter so that the residents of Hackney can see what is happening to their waste and whether the recycling objectives are being met?

Yours sincerely,

Sustainable Hackney

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Comment by Sustainable Hackney on March 6, 2013 at 14:57

The tonnage of household waste collected, recycled and disposed, and also the data for non-household waste.  

We wrote to Mark Griffin in May 2012: "Waste and recycling data. The latest publicly available data on Capital Waste Facts is from 2009/10. Will the council commit to timely publishing of quarterly waste and recycling data on household and non-household waste (not just statistics) so that members of the public can track what is happening to Hackney’s waste?"

He replied:  "Data from each quarter is submitted to NLWA who audit this over the next quarter during a period of verification and reconciliation before it is submitted to DEFRA. DEFRA in turn can provide feedback before they publish in an open format to http://data.gov.uk

As part of the council’s commitment to transparency we are currently examining the possibility of publishing this data online in an open format at the time of submission to DEFRA – this information would be subject to revision, should we receive feedback from DEFRA.

Comment by Greener Hackney on March 6, 2013 at 14:49

Which data do you refer to?

Comment by Sustainable Hackney on March 6, 2013 at 14:44

The statistics recently published by London Borough of Hackney reveal a drop in recycling rate from 25% at its peak to below 24% in April last year.  The recycling rate seems to have picked up again and is running at 24.24% in the year up to December.  

Comment by Sustainable Hackney on March 6, 2013 at 14:26

Thanks, Greener Hackney, good to see this.

Will the council now commit to updating this data each quarter?  And when will you publish the data and not just the statistics?

Comment by Greener Hackney on March 6, 2013 at 12:16

Quarterly data is available here: http://www.hackney.gov.uk/recycling-rate.htm

Please note it is subject to revision by NLWA and DEFRA.

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