Who coordinates/updates the list of food growing projects in Hackney? Is there a map? There's a lot happening at the moment, so it would be quite good to keep it up to date and maybe make it available to groups who want to know who else is active in their neighbourhood. Many people know the Capital Growth map but of course that's not complete since there are quite a lot of new projects that are not funded by Capital Growth or older iniatives that never had any funding.

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Sorry, I just found the map! But it would still be good to know who looks after it in case anybody wants to make updates.

That would be me!  Email me at maps@sustainablehackney.org.uk.  James

Hi Martina,  There is a map at http://sustainablehackney.org.uk/map/food which has about 18 food growing sites on it at the moment.   We are keen to add active sites to the map so that people can find them and get involved.  Do you have some suggestions?  I must also get the Food Grower's Network list and add the active sites to the map.


I think it would be good to add all the new projects from the Capital Growth map to the existing map. Then it would be quite easy to work out whether any gardens are missing and add them. There are a few new 'What If'/Groundwork ones which might not be on any map yet but I do know two of them, and we could also send a link to the map to other people/groups who know their areas. So it shouldn't be too difficult to get a pretty comprehensive one.



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