Hackney Council's Voluntary and Community Sector Grants Programme for 2013/14 is open for applications.

The grants support the delivery of the six objectives contained in Hackney's Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) which are:

  • Objective 1: Reduce poverty by supporting residents into sustainable employment, and promoting employment opportunities.
  • Objective 2: Help residents to become better qualified and raise educational aspirations.
  • Objective 3: Promote health and wellbeing for all, and support independent living.
  • Objective 4: Make the borough safer, and help people to feel safe in Hackney.
  • Objective 5: Promote mixed communities in well-designed neighbourhoods, where people can access high quality, affordable housing.
  • Objective 6: Be a sustainable community, where all citizens take pride in and take care of Hackney and its environment, for future generations.

For more information see the council website. http://www.hackney.gov.uk/ce-pandc-community-grants-871.htm

Grants programme funding streams

Main grants

Main grants of between £5,000 and £40,000 for projects which contribute to Hackney's Sustainable Community Strategy objectives.

Open now, closing date 27 September 2012.

Small grants

Small grants of between £1,000 and £5,000, for projects which contribute to Hackney's Sustainable Community Strategy objectives.

Open for applications from 29 October 2012, closing date 7th December.

Holiday Playscheme grants

Holiday Playscheme grants for up to £8,000 to deliver high quality playschemes for children and young people during the school holidays. 

Open now, closing date 27 September 2012.

Community Chest grants

Community Chest grants for up to £1,000, which contribute to Hackney's Equality Objectives.

Open for applications from 2 January 2013.

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