Community response to Hackney's climate emergency declaration

Over a series of meetings the community has coordinated a response to Hackney Council's Climate Emergency declaration.  We hoped to present this at the proposed citizen's assembly in November, but as this has been postponed we have submitted it to the council with a request to present our response to that meeting in the New Year.

Our response is submitted on behalf of Hackney-based voluntary and community organisations and individuals who champion various aspects of climate and environmental action.

We have discussed and debated at meetings and workshops the eight ‘resolves’ declared by the Council.  We have kept this response as practical and action focused as possible.

In the attached letter and submission, we ask the council to consider and respond to each point, especially where we seek engagement with our campaigns and action-focused activities.

We look forward to the council's response.

On behalf of the following organisations: 

Sustainable Hackney

Divest Hackney

Education for Sustainability

Hackney Fixers

Hackney Food Partnership

Plastic Free Hackney

Hackney Living Streets

Extinction Rebellion

Tree Musketeers

Community response Hackney Climate Emergency.pdf

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Comment by Kathryn Johnson on March 16, 2020 at 13:45

Hi Diana, you can blog about these initiatives on this website.  Kathryn

Comment by Diana Weir on November 16, 2019 at 11:28

This will be interesting reading; thanks for posting it here.

I've been working separately on various issues which affect some of these concerns, such as the disposal of Vegware and illegal engine idling, and have recently made some progress. Do tell me how best to keep SH updated about those.

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