A decision on recycling systems will be made on 20th March

A proposal to move to commingled collection for the borough will be decided on by the Cabinet Procurement committee on 20th March.

Council will debate the issue on 29th Feb, so let your councillor know what you think by writing to them at http://www.hackney.gov.uk/findmycouncillor.htm

See hackney-council-to-get-rid-of-the-green-recycling-boxes for a comparison of the two systems.

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Comment by Russell Miller on February 2, 2012 at 16:25

This is a significant issue as regards recycling locally.  A move away from quality kerb side sorted materials to highly contaminated co-mingled 'rubbish' would be a big step back.  We need people to think well beyond recycling to massive reductions in consumption.  An LBH decision to cut cost and quality would greatly discredit all its recycling.  Please do as James' suggests and let councillors know the hype is hype and co-mingling is a poor option.

For more info see James' blogs and his comparison table.

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