I’m not a chef, I’m just a food lover, an Italian food lover.
I started eating salads in the office because I wanted something healthy for my lunch. And I wanted something easy to prepare, easy enough to prepare at my desk.
So I started having salads every day for lunch in the office.
My colleagues seemed to love my salads and kept wanting to tuck in.
As even the junk food fans and the heavy meat eaters were fascinated by them,
I thought they might interest a wider audience, so I started to take pictures and posting them on a blog.
I’ve been creating a new salad every single day for 1 year as a challenge.
It’s quite easy to get bored doing the same thing over and over again, and yet, because I love eating and I’m always curious to try different ingredients and flavors. I use my imagination to make my lunch break an exciting occasion to explore new possibilities. That’s why I employ a variety of ingredients and I like to experiment by mixing and matching tastes.
I’m not a proper vegetarian, but I like to eat a lot of fruit and veg. I care both about my health and the health of the planet. That’s why I try to use only organic, fair-trade and sustainable ingredients.
I love salads and it hurts me when they are treated just as a sad and unsexy side dish. Salads can be creative and balanced, healthy and tasty, a fulfilling meal.
They can help you lose weight or just stay in shape. At the same time, they can also help you to maintain a healthy heart and to avoid serious diseases, as recent studies suggest (such as The China Study).
I try to give salads the importance they deserve, as a complete and delicious course, and I hope my salads can inspire others to try them and enjoy a healthy diet, as I do.
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