One week remaining to submit your paper! This is an excellent opportunity for your networks to present their ideas to a wide audience.
Your chance to present at the London Walking and Cycling Conference Friday 24 May 2019 Guildhall, London, EC2V 7HH
We would like to invite you to join us on 24 May at the London Walking and Cycling Conference and help shape the discussion about the role that walking and cycling can play in shaping the future of our cities. After seven successful years of the Hackney Cycling Conference we are excited to announce that the London Borough of Hackney will be partnering with the City of London Corporation to host the London Walking and Cycling Conference, in association with Steer. The City has the highest walking rates of any local authority in the country and Hackney is London's number one borough for cycling. This partnership combines our expertise and recognises the importance of active travel to both residents and businesses. The conference will provide an opportunity for politicians and officers from across London to come together with industry experts, academics and campaigners. Past conferences have attracted a wide range of industry professionals, campaigners and elected members and are a great opportunity to be heard, influence policy and gain exposure for your ideas. Previous speakers have included London’s Walking and Cycling Commissioner Will Norman, academic and author of ‘Bad Science’ Dr Ben Goldacre and Andreas Rohl, who was Head of Cycling for Copenhagen for 7 years. Co-hosted by Hackney Council, the City of London and Steer, this year’s conference is set to host the widest range of sustainable transport experts yet.
This year’s event will explore how to improve the experience of walking and cycling and enable more people to choose these healthy and sustainable modes of travel. It will also consider the wider social, environmental and economic benefits of investing in walking, cycling and Healthy Streets. A summary of previous events can be found here |
We welcome papers from across the sector including campaigners, academics and professionals in any of the following areas: road danger reduction, local or national campaigning, policy and strategy, behaviour change, design, engineering, public health, technology, planning or communications. We especially welcome papers from outside of London, so that attendees may learn from experience in other contexts.
Deadline for submissions is Friday 22 February 2019, however, early submissions are encouraged.
We are looking for forward-thinking papers to discuss topics that might include:
- The role of traffic reduction and Vision Zero in enabling walking and cycling
- Planning for walking and cycling in new developments
- Achieving modal shift at workplaces
- The contrasting challenges faced in residential and urban areas
- Reducing the impact of deliveries and servicing
- What data is needed now to plan for walking and cycling in the future and how can data help capture and communicate the benefits
- What wider changes need to happen to enable growth in walking and cycling (traffic reduction, freight, PHV policy etc)?
- Technology and its role in the future of walking and cycling
- Case studies and best practice for projects, policy and campaigns (schemes from outside London encouraged)
We are considering diverse formats, including standard presentations, PechaKucha (20 slides for 20 seconds each), as well as short videos and posters.
Standard presentations will be 15 minutes to present, with time for questions at the end of the session (e.g. 3 presentations followed by questions directed at the 3 presenters).
PechaKucha presentations are 6m40s each, with time for questions after 3 presentations in a row.
We also welcome short videos of 5 minutes or less, which are an excellent way to present a case study, as well as posters which will be displayed in an exposition.
How to submit:
Email: with the subject line: London Walking and Cycling Conference by Friday 22 February 2019, with the following information:
- The presenter’s name, position and organisation being represented (if applicable)
- Briefly describe the topic that you would like to present or submit an abstract, video or poster about (200 word max.)
- Why you think it is important (200 word max.)
- Preferred presentation format(s) if applicable (standard presentation, PechaKucha, film or poster)
Please feel free to forward this information to anyone who you think may be interested in presenting.
Thank you for your interest and we look forward to seeing you at the conference!
Event Details
Friday 24 May 2019 -9am – 7pm
Lunch is provided and the event will be followed by drinks and networking.
Guildhall, London, EC2V 7HH
General admission - £95
Local Authority, non-profit, academic institutions, students - £45
Early Bird rates also available!
The event is made possible thanks to the generous support of Steer, Cyclehoop and Cycle Confident.
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