3 new solar power projects for Hackney in 2018?

There are 3 big opportunities for Hackney Energy to help develop solar power projects in the borough this year - the Rio Cinema, the Wilton Estate and Homerton Hospital. To pull off just one of these would be a great achievement, but progress on all three (and possibly others) is possible if we can pull in enough resources. A key question is, Can we rely on the council's support? 
Please try to get to our next meeting: Tuesday 6 March, 7pm, at Wilton Estate Tenants and Residents Association community centre - located in the middle of the estate at the junction of Wilton way and Greenwood Road, E8.
  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Feedback from Solar Panel-making workshop on Wilton Estate, Saturday 3 March.
  3. Planning for Hackney Energy/Rio Solar project. Next step is a Community Engagement day on 17th March- please put date in your diary. The Rio has obtained verbal agreement in principle to support the scheme (about 15 kilowatts of solar panels) from Hackney Council Commercial Surveyors team. 
  4. ​Wilton Estate community solar power project: as many will know, we have an informal agreement from the GLA for funding for a feasibility study. The stumbling block is still the lack of in-principle support from the council. How can we overcome this final hurdle?
  5. Homerton Hospital: a potentially big solar project: latest update at the meeting.
  6. Hackney Energy AGM 2018: date and venue to be decided.
  7. Any other business
Philip Pearson, ​Chair, Hackney Energy

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