WASTE: Nice work if you can get it, just one bidder for a £4 Billion waste contract

Veolia withdraws from NLWA procurement

Veolia Environmental Services has withdrawn its tender for two large-scale contracts with the North London Waste Authority (which processes all Hackney's waste and recycling), leaving an element of uncertainty around the future of the deal.

The waste management firm had been shortlisted for the NLWA’s waste services and fuel use contracts, but has submitted notification to the Authority of its withdrawal from both.
The announcement leaves just one bidder in place for each contract: a consortium of FCC/Skanska the waste services deal estimated to be worth, and E.On/Wheelabrator for the fuel use contract estimated to have a combined value of around £4 billion.

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See also the Hackney Citizen article on this  http://hackneycitizen.co.uk/2012/12/21/veolia-dumps-bid-north-londo...

The NLWA are entering into an agreement called a Minimum Guaranteed Tonnage (MGT). Council Tax payers will be forced to pay for producing a set level of black bag waste for 30 years - even if that waste does not exist, what we term ”virtual waste”. Hence the more Hackney recycles, the more it will have to pay the corporations!


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