Sustainable Hackney is looking for a new Treasurer and an Auditor. Can you carry out either of these functions on a voluntary basis?
Can you carry out basic spreadsheet work and accounting? Would you like to become Sustainable Hackney's new Treasurer? As a voluntary organisation we have low turnover and few transactions. Can you take on this voluntary role for us?
See the SH Treasurer role description and email with your contact details and information about yourself and your Treasurer's skills.
Do you have the required skills to carry out a basic audit of our accounts? We are looking for someone to do a basic audit of our simple annual accounts on a voluntary basis or for a token gift. If you can do this please email our Secretary at with your contact details and let us know about your skills and qualifications.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Tags: The following tags will link your item to the relevant workstream: biodiversity, buildings, energy, economy, food, justice, pollution, transport, waste.
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Twitter: @SustainHackney Facebook: @SustainHackney |
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