Get Fractitious: annual climate change demo

Event Details

Get Fractitious: annual climate change demo

Time: December 1, 2012 from 12pm to 4:30pm
Location: Parliament Square or Grosvenor Square (US Embassy)
Website or Map:
Event Type: climate, change
Organized By: Campaign against Climate Change
Latest Activity: Oct 26, 2012

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Event Description

This year has seen an awesome milestone in the escalation of the climate crisis. It is now altering the planet's basic geography with the vanishing of summertime arctic sea ice. The  "tipping points" are no longer a talking point about the future - we are  hitting one right now.

Yet as the world is on the brink of a tragedy of unimaginable scale, none of our leaders seems to be so much as blinking an eyelid in response. Worse than that humanity is engaged in a madcap suicidal dash to unearth  yet more of the cause - fossil fuels. Even as some fossil fuels become more expensive to extract new types - often more carbon intensive - are being discovered and exploited.

Its time to "get fractious"about the criminal insanity of the response to the biggest threat humanity has ever faced.

Please join us on 1st December to bear witness to the gravity of the unfolding crisis ....see more about the imminent disappearance of summertime arctic ice here and here. Download our leaflet about it here.  See how the rapid warming of the arctic is causing extreme weather events that are already disrupting agriculture and hitting the world's most vulnerable hardest  - here.

We will also be targeting the insanity of the drive towards exploiting more and new fossil fuels. We will be acting in solidarity with the many local campaigns around the country resisting the expansion into this country of the risky and destructive practice of 'hydraulic fracturing' or "fracking" for previously un-tappable "shale gas". This is a major prop for George Osborne's new "dash for gas" which threatens to expand the exploitation of this fossil fuel in a way that would effectively blow the Climate Act out of the water (see here).

We will build our own "fracking rig" outside Parliament to secure a definitive photo-op and signal to government that fracking will not go ahead without massive resistance. See our tongue-in-cheek  portrayal of this here.

We will also build a "Grosvenor Square Keystone pipeline"  (see here) between the Canadian High Commission and the US embassy to signal our outrage at the continued exploitation of high-carbon tar sands. We may have an extra reason to protest outside the US embassy because if Mitt Romney and the now extremist and denialist-dominated Republican Party wins the US election on 6th November it will be a massive setback for any kind of global progress on climate and it will be important to register our alarm and disgust. Even if Obama wins it will be important to demand more action on climate from his second term.

So we will have two focuses: at Parliament and at Grosvenor Square (US embassy) and we will march between them.  If Romney wins the US election we will have more emphasis on the US embassy protest and will finish there - but otherwise we will start at Grosvenor Square to finish at Parliament. In either case we will assemble at 12.00 noon. 

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