The health of planet and the wellbeing of all its inhabitants are incredibly important to me.
Making life on Earth more sustainable has got to be top of the agenda for all humanity and anything that gets in the way of achieving this simply must be challenged and corrected, be it from corporations, institutions, or on an individual level.
A while ago I came across an idea called a Natural Law Resourced Based Economy. This is an idea for a complete shift from the current socio-economic system of capitalism, which is based on infinite growth and profit, to one that will be able to provide everyone with fair access to all needs, physical social and mental, and that takes into account that the planets resources are finite so must be managed much better.
I think that a connection to nature is essential to wellbeing so learning to preserve the beauty of nature and establish this connection are of particular interest to me.
Biodiversity, Built Environment, Education, Energy, Food, Transport, Green Economy, Waste and recycling, Pollution
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