


These topic guides were produced by HEF/HMUG between 2004 and 2007 as an introduction to some of the impacts the Olympics are having on the local environment (pdf).

01. The Olympic Precinct in the Lower Lea Valley
02. Managing the Games
03. What the construction of the games will involve
04. Paying for the Games
05. Transport & the Games
06. Loss of open space
07. Impact for wildlife and biodiversity
08. East Marsh - as it is now and what is proposed
09. Business and employment in Lower Lea Valley
10. Legacy - what happens after the Games 11. Strategy for Hackney Marshes and funding for environmental works
12. Proposals for Travellers site on Hackney Marshes, Tree Nursery and Sensory Garden
13. Earthworks and Soil Remediation at Eastway and White Hart Field and Arena Field
14. Compulsory Purchase order (CPO) and Land Deal between LBH and LDA
Map of the northern part of the Olympics precinct
Olympics Update - 2007
Virtual tour round East Marsh and the trees threatened by coach park


To find out more about the Olympics proposals and get involved:
  • Contact your local Councillors.
  • Cllr Guy Nicholson has Cabinet responsibility in Hackney for Regeneration and Olympics.
  • Work through environmental groups, for example: Friends of the Earth and London 21, to raise issue of sustainability in the construction and staging of the Games
  • Support London Cycling Campaign to ensure that cycling routes are kept open during construction, and that legacy includes reinstatement of good pedestrian and cycle routes.
  • London Sustainable Development Commission are acting as ‘green watchdog’ for the Games.
  • www.gamesmonitor.org.uk is monitoring critically the progress of the Olympics.
  • The London Bid website is www.london2012.com
  • Get ahead of the games - how transport will be affected - TfL site

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