Our vision is that Hackney becomes a healthy place to live, with clean air to breathe and clean rivers for all to enjoy.
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Greenprint for Hackney
A clean London Lea river catchment – Hackney works with all stakeholders to prevent pollutants entering the river system. Hackney actively supports collaboration across regulatory and voluntary groups to enable better understanding of existing pollutants and pathways, and actively supports work to remediate them.
Sustainable Urban Drainage - Hackney has an extensive SUDs infrastructure to filter urban run-off, protecting our waterways and reducing flash floods.
Clean air for Hackney – Hackney is a borough with clean air. The transport infrastructure and built environment are designed to protect air quality; street trees and green screens are planted to filter air. Hackney works with neighbouring boroughs to protect air quality.
We all do the right thing – Hackney is a borough where businesses and residents understand their everyday impacts on air and water and can readily find resources to help reduce them.
Our work programme
We actively support local river protection and conservation groups and raise awareness of their work.
We are active in the London Lea Catchment Partnership and Community.
We respond to local consultations for issues affecting air or water quality.
We help raise awareness of how to prevent pollution.