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Energy and Climate

Responding to high energy bills, lack of decent jobs and the threat of ‘climate change’ can seem intimidating.  Sustainable Hackney proposes a vision of a borough that empowers and supports anyone who wants to be energy efficient, get a green job or simply lead a more sustainable life.

Help bring green energy and climate friendly living to Hackney and join this group

By joining this group, you'll keep up to date on the latest relevant news posted on the Sustainable Hackney website. If you want to get more involved and support our work, contact the group leave. You can leave groups at any time. 

Solar Heating Buildings

Greenprint for Hackney

  • A network for change - create a live network that supports action on energy saving, solar power and campaigns to reduce fossil fuel dependency.

  • Greener jobs - help open up opportunities for green jobs in the borough

  • Cleaner investment - support campaigns for switching investment away from polluting industries and businesses.

  • Greener businesses - help Hackney businesses and workplaces to become greener – cutting their footprint and costs.

  • Clear information - increase access to information and resources about climate change and what we can do about it.

  • Greener council - encourage our council to become an exemplar of good practise in making its commercial and residential buildings energy efficient and reducing fuel poverty.

Our work programme

  • We support the development of community energy projects across the borough.    

  • We create an online register of green companies and employers.

  • We use our website to raise awareness of campaigns to switch investment away from fossil fuels.

  • We communicate practical solutions for saving energy and resources at work.

Climate Clock

The science is clear: we are in a Climate Emergency. Decades of increasing carbon emissions are harming the natural and societal systems upon which humanity depends, threatening untold ecological and human devastation if we do not #ActInTime. The good news: there is still time. 

Backed by the latest science, the Climate Clock tells us what we must do, by when. The Deadline and Lifelines on the Climate Clock make explicit the speed and scope of action that political leaders must take in order to limit the worst climate impacts.

The Clock’s Deadline tells us that, at current rates of greenhouse gas emissions, we have less than eight years left in our global “carbon budget” that gives two-thirds chance of staying under the critical threshold of 1.5°C of global warming.

The Clock’s Renewable Energy Lifeline tells us that the percent of global energy coming from renewable sources is currently at 12.5% and rising, but not nearly fast enough.

Together, the Deadline and Lifeline frame our mission: We must #ActInTime to drive down greenhouse gas emissions and build a 100% renewable future. You can find more information on the Climate Clock project here.

Make a difference and become a  Sustainable Hackney member

Join our movement and become a proud member of Sustainable Hackney. Your support helps us keep working to create a better borough for us all. 

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