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Our vision is for the London Borough of Hackney to become a beacon of excellence for Climate Change awareness, its causes and mitigation through Education for Sustainability and Climate Education in many forms and in all possible settings.

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Outdoor Education

Greenprint for Hackney

We will develop this by beginning to engage citizens, reaching out in particular to Hackney’s diverse communities, raising awareness and promoting sustainable living within these communities and within the varied organisations in Hackney, especially within schools and their communities.    

  • In  Educational Establishments by: 

    • seeking to ensure, if possible, in collaboration with Hackney Council, that there is a cross-curricular emphasis on EfS and climate change awareness which pervades the daily life and learning of every member of schools and colleges and their wider communities.  

    • promoting an ethos of enquiry, critical thinking, problem-solving and collaboration to achieve an agenda for sustainability in Hackney’s educational policies and establishments.  

    • encouraging the development of links with local and national education providers to promote Education for Sustainability.  

  • Through the diverse communities in Hackney by:

    • collaborating with other work streams to produce an accessible programme, which encourages Hackney residents to understand their impact on Climate Change and the actions they can take to make a difference.

    • challenging and encouraging all centres and workplaces to question their use of resources and procurement, thus becoming more sustainable.

    • setting up Climate Centres/hubs where Hackney’s diverse communities meet; such as estates, Faith Groups, community centres and work places etc.

  • Through Hackney Council by:

    • encouraging Hackney Council, its councillors, employees and contractors to act as role models by promoting and understanding the outcomes and impact of climate change and the actions each and every one can take towards its mitigation.

Our work programme

  • To work with other work streams to set up a programme, which would begin to raise awareness and encourage action for sustainability in schools, diverse communities, workplaces and within the council itself.

  • To continue to research and subsequently begin to set up climate hubs, including some ‘pop ups’, in collaboration with communities and workplaces in Hackney.

  • Strongly advocate for the council to deliver the promised Citizens’ / Climate Assembly, to engage with the process, ensuring that its focus is Sustainable Living.

  • Continue to encourage every Hackney educational establishment to incorporate the Eco-School’s Green Flag award programme (or similar, such as Let’s Go Zero and Teach the Future) and sustainable living into their policies, learning and everyday activities. 

Make a difference and become a  Sustainable Hackney member

Join our movement and become a proud member of Sustainable Hackney. Your support helps us keep working to create a better borough for us all. 

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