Circular Economy
Our vision is a circular economy designed to eliminate waste and pollution, circulate products and materials and regenerate nature. Our economy is redesigned to meet the needs of people in Hackney sustainably.
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Greenprint for Hackney
Green our local businesses – Hackney develops a Green and Circular Economy Strategy which supports businesses to develop sustainable business practices and local jobs and encourages growth of businesses in the environmental sector.
A better life lived sustainably - People in Hackney are aware of the economic, social and environmental benefits of the Circular Economy.
Green business models – Hackney sees increasing adoption of circular models, such as the Library of Things which aims to make borrowing better than buying and Fabrications which remakes discarded clothing into unique fashion.
Make, do and mend - Local re-use hubs, repair hubs and waste prevention programmes help reduce consumption and waste, with a focus on electricals, furniture, clothing, plastics, single-use items and non-recyclable packaging materials.
Reduce consumption emissions – People in Hackney are aware that consumption contributes 75% of carbon emissions in Hackney, and are increasingly aware of the choices they can make to help reduce their footprint.
Education for Sustainability – Schools teach critical thinking and all aspects of sustainable living, including reducing the climate emissions of consumption.
Easier recycling and disposal – With more electrical and clothing recycling banks, free bulky waste collection, re-use collection, transport services and cargo bikes it becomes easier to recycle and dispose of waste responsibly.
Clean waste disposal – Hackney’s emissions from the NLWA Edmonton incinerator are cleaned up by capturing the carbon or sorting waste to recycle the plastics.
Our work programme
We continue our Hackney Fixers project and work towards an electrical reuse hub.
We continue to support the Library of Things as a community partner.
We work with the council to help deliver the Climate Action Plan objectives on consumption and green economy.
We continue to advocate for Education for Sustainability.
We partner with other local projects to prevent waste and reduce consumption.