Growing Communities’ plant sale and seed swap

Come and buy all the seedlings you need for your veg patch - everything from sweetcorn to tomatoes to beans, plus potted herbs and ornamentals - all grown to organic standards. In addition there will be a plant and seed swap, so if you've sown too many courgettes again, this will be the time to swap them for something else. 

The event is located just outside Growing Communities’ market garden in Springfield Park. If you go to the Springfield Park Cafe (at the White Lodge) and follow the path that runs downhill between the cafe and the outside eating area you'll find us about 100 yards down the path. 

Time: May 3, 2015 from 1pm to 4pm

Location: Springfield Park

Street: Clapton

City/Town: London E5

Website or Map:

Phone: 02075027588

Event Type: food, growing, organic, plants